Cute Kusadama (Decorated) Ball Kit, 42 sheets of 7.5 double sided...
There are 40 sheets total, 10...
There are 94 sheets of elephant hide paper, mixed color sheets, eight colors . Paper is the same color on each side. Paper size is 90 mm (3.5 inches).
There are 97 sheets of elephant hide paper, six colors. Paper is the same color on each side. Paper size is 95 mm (3.75 inches).
There are 40 sheets of the same double-sided paper; red washi paper on one side and metallic copper on the reverse. Paper size is 75mm (3 inches).
There are 50 sheets, five different colors of the same design transparency paper. Paper is same design on both sides. Paper size is 50mm x 50mm.
There are 96 sheets total, TANT yellow color paper, 12 colors of yellow, eight sheets of each color. Paper is the same color on both sides. Paper size is 75mm (3 inches). NO MORE THAN 2 PACKAGES OF TANT PER ORDER. IF MORE THAN TWO PACKAGES APPEAR ON YOUR ORDER, YOUR ORDER WILL BE DELETED FROM OUR SYSTEM
There are 21 ripple board watches of different weights and colors. Size is 75mm (3").
There are 2,000 sheets, gummed top memo papers, 8.9 cm x 8.9 cm (3.5 x 3.5 inches). Sheets are vivid colored.