Elephant Hide Paper by Zanders is scratch proof and scuff proof, with...
Elephant Hide Paper by Zanders is scratch proof and scuff proof, with...
There are 90 sheets of paper. Six...
Foil Small Less Than 100mm
There are 90 sheets of paper. Six colors, one side and metallic silver or gold on the reverse. Size is 40mm x 40mm.
If you enjoy folding the units and then constructing the Golden Venture models then this paper is just what you need. There are 250 sheets of silver foil paper already cut into the proper size to fold into units.
There are 200 sheets of gold foil paper. Paper is white on the reverse side. Paper size is 50 mm (2 inches).
100 sheets of gold foil origami paper. Back side is white. Paper size is 75 mm (3 inches). Reflective feedback on photographing foil has distorted color a tad.
There are 100 sheets of green foil paper. Paper is white on the reverse side. Paper size is 90 mm (3.5 inches).
There are four sheets of Holo Beam folding paper,a thin holograph paper in 4 different colors; folds well. White on back-side of paper. Paper size is 2.25 inches (54mm).
There are four sheets of Holo Beam folding paper in each package, each package has 4 different colors of holograph paper; paper folds well. White on back-side of paper. Paper size is 2.25 inches (54mm).
There are 100 sheets of lite green foil paper. Paper size is 90 mm (3.5 inches).
50 sheets of magenta foil paper. Back side is white. Paper size is 75 mm (3 inches). Reflective feedback on photographing foil has distorted color a tad.
50 sheets of red foil paper. Back side is white. Paper size is 75 mm (3 inches). Reflective feedback on photographing foil has distorted color a tad.
There are 200 sheets total of silver foil paper. reverse side is white. Paper size is 50mm (2 inches).
100 sheets of silver foil paper. Back side is white. Paper size is 75 mm (3 inches). Reflective feedback on photographing foil has distorted color a tad.
There are 200 sheets total, all sheets the same color, foil is white on the reverse side, paper size is 75 mm (3 inches).
There are 35 sheets total, silver foil origami paper, paper size is 75 mm (3 inches).
There are 35 sheets total of silver foil paper, paper is white on the reverse side, paper size is 75 mm (3 inches). Bulk Buy. Purchase four packages, get one additional package for free.
There are 60 sheets total, all sheets the same silver foil paper, paper is white on the reverse side, paper size is 75 mm (3 inches).