Elephant Hide Paper by Zanders is scratch proof and scuff proof, with...
Elephant Hide Paper by Zanders is scratch proof and scuff proof, with...
There are 90 sheets of paper. Six...
Foil Multi Sizes
There are 34 different colors of foil end cuts. Each piece is a different size.
There are eight different colors of strips of floral design foil paper, white on the reverse side. Paper strips are ~ 16 inches by 5 inches.
There are about 16 sheets of end cut foil papers, all the same design
There are eight sheets, each a different color of spotted foil strips, white on reverse side, approximate size is 17 inches by 4 inches.
Two Designs Foil Paper Scrap Paper End Cuts - ~2 x ~12 inches - 22 end cut pieces
Zenagraf paper samples, good for origami, diverse prints and foils, not square